Gutter Repair

That Vancouver Rain – Protect Your Gutter System with These Tips

How Much Rain Falls in the Lower Mainland of BC? The Lower Mainland of British Columbia is no stranger to rain. In fact, the region is known for its wet weather, with an average annual rainfall of approximately 1,200 millimeters. That's more than double the amount of rainfall that falls in Vancouver Island or the Okanagan Valley. While this rain is essential for our environment and the growth of plants, [...]

Seen a few of these weird looking things around?

Just when you thought you knew everything about the bad things that happen when you don’t repair your gutters…along comes the ant parade. Carpenter ants come in a variety of shapes sizes and features and are attracted to wet, damaged areas of houses. Red Flag #1: Big Ants – Sometimes with Wings A quarter-inch to half an inch long these Carpenter ants can vary in colour, from black to brown [...]

When Was the Last Time You Cleaned the Gutters?

Let’s be honest.  Cleaning the gutters is probably not one of those chores that has you so excited you’re leaping out of bed on a Saturday morning.  Ignorance is bliss? I’ll get to it next year?  Sound familiar? How high is cleaning the gutters on your To Do list? According to WorkSafe BC, it might be a little too high Unfortunately this is one of those instances when [...]

Moss and 3 Other Visible Signs That Your Gutters Need Attention

Inspecting your gutters on a regular basis is essential to maintaining the life of your system and entire home exterior. However, many homeowners neglect this duty, not trusting their own judgement as to what calls for immediate action (repair). Priority concerns that may be obvious to some may not be so to others. Today we are detailing some easy-to-identify signs that your gutters, or sections of them, require prompt attention [...]

How to Prepare Your Gutters for the Fall Season

It’s hard to believe that autumn has arrived. Especially when the Lower Mainland is forecast for sunny skies and 20°C for the first few days of October. Regardless, the leaves are turning and we can only expect the clear blue canopy above to disappear soon enough. The rain will come, the winds will blow, and frost will coat your backyard and home. Before this all occurs, you will want to [...]

How to Choose a Gutter Color for Your Home

There are homeowners unconcerned with the aesthetics of their gutters, content with installing the base color that most metal or vinyl systems come in. However in regions such as the Greater Vancouver area where our gutter repair company operates, homeowners tend to be quite conscious of the appearance of all aspects of their home exterior, even the ones that collect and distribute rainwater. It’s not just about personal preferences or [...]

Gutter Repair 101 – Knowing the Different Types of Gutter Systems

Gaining an in-depth knowledge of your home, inside and out, is essential to the life of your property. The exterior is the gateway, protecting your household and landscape surrounding it from the outside elements. One of the most important components of this exterior protection is your gutter system. Whether you currently own a home, are on the market for one, are considering a major renovation, or are in the planning [...]

5 Best Apps for Home Gutter Repair and Maintenance

Gutter repair and maintenance will always require traditional tools such as power drills and caulking but there is no denying technology’s ever-increasing role in exterior home upkeep. That’s right, the tired but true expression of “there’s an app for that” can now apply to gutter installation, repair, and maintenance in all of its forms. While smartphone/tablet applications won’t actually beam your gutters in place onto your roof (yet?) they can [...]

How to Repair a Sagging Rain Gutter

The necessity of gutter repair does not always come from extensive damage and leaks. The impediment to optimal performance in keeping your home safe from excessive rainfall above is often found from a sagging gutter system. Even the strongest of installations can begin to droop after years and years of exposure to battering rain, sleet, wind, and debris. Here in the Lower Mainland we are no stranger to such things, [...]

How to Repair Gutter Downspouts

The downspouts on your home’s (or commercial property’s) gutter system are the enclosed pipe (or pipe-like) extensions of rain gutters that run vertically down from the roof, extending to the ground level and traditionally pointing away from the foundation. The water runoff captured by the gutter system enters the downspout and is expelled far enough from the base of your home to protect it from water damage. Because downspouts run down [...]