Gutter Maintenance

That Vancouver Rain – Protect Your Gutter System with These Tips

How Much Rain Falls in the Lower Mainland of BC? The Lower Mainland of British Columbia is no stranger to rain. In fact, the region is known for its wet weather, with an average annual rainfall of approximately 1,200 millimeters. That's more than double the amount of rainfall that falls in Vancouver Island or the Okanagan Valley. While this rain is essential for our environment and the growth of plants, [...]

4 Great Reasons Not to Put Off Fixing Your Gutters

It's time to take action and avoid costly damage to your home. Gutters play a crucial role in protecting your home from water damage, and even minor issues can quickly escalate into more significant problems. Here are some reasons why you shouldn't wait to get your gutters fixed: Water Damage - When gutters are damaged, water can leak into your home's foundation, walls, and roof, causing costly damage. This damage [...]

Hang Your Lights Without Wrecking Your Gutters: Simple Tips and Tricks

One of the most popular decorations on a home are string lights but hanging lights on gutters can be tricky and may cause damage if not done properly. Fortunately, there are some simple tips and tricks to follow to hang lights without wrecking your gutters. In this blog post, we will discuss how to hang lights without damaging your gutters. Use Gutter Clips: Gutter clips are specially designed to attach [...]

Spring Gutter Checklist: 7 Warning Signs

For the average residential home replacing a hidden gutter system can start at over $5000. Gutter repairs, on the other hand, are fast and cost 80-90% less than replacement. Our team will do our best to identify common problem areas and retro-fit the system so that it can continue to do its job, resulting in thousands of dollars in savings. Trying hidden gutter repair is usually the right first step [...]

Buying a New House This Spring? Inspect the gutter system.

Gutters and downspouts are the houses way of collecting and directing all the water or melting snow that gathers on the roof…which can be a lot more than you think.  When they don’t work right they can be a source of water coming into the house at both the foundation level and the roof level.  The condition they’re in is a really good sign of how well the current owners [...]

Gutters and Exterior Design Trends for 2017

In the last 5 years Home Builders have noticed a growing trend in factors that affect purchase decisions among new home buyers.  In less than 12 seconds a home's curb appeal can make or break a decision on whether a buyer wants to even view the house let alone buy it.  According to a Harris Interactive Study 78% of Buyers felt that the look of the home's exterior was "Extremely" [...]

Gutter Cleaning Tips for the Motivated Home Owner

  Regular gutter cleaning is an important aspect to maintaining and protecting your Vancouver area home or building from water damage that can occur when all that water isn’t able to properly flow away from the house. But if you don’t know what you’re doing this project can be more dangerous than many people realize. Each year, a significant number of homeowners are injured trying to clean out their gutters [...]

When Was the Last Time You Cleaned the Gutters?

Let’s be honest.  Cleaning the gutters is probably not one of those chores that has you so excited you’re leaping out of bed on a Saturday morning.  Ignorance is bliss? I’ll get to it next year?  Sound familiar? How high is cleaning the gutters on your To Do list? According to WorkSafe BC, it might be a little too high Unfortunately this is one of those instances when [...]

Moss and 3 Other Visible Signs That Your Gutters Need Attention

Inspecting your gutters on a regular basis is essential to maintaining the life of your system and entire home exterior. However, many homeowners neglect this duty, not trusting their own judgement as to what calls for immediate action (repair). Priority concerns that may be obvious to some may not be so to others. Today we are detailing some easy-to-identify signs that your gutters, or sections of them, require prompt attention [...]

How to Stop Moss in Gutters

Moss is one of the biggest threats to your gutter system. Not only does it weigh down your gutters and create an unsightly scene, it clogs your gutters, resulting in rainwater overflow which will damage your home exterior and interior. Thankfully, this natural growth phenomenon can be identified with ease, and attended to before your gutter system and home sustains significant damage. 5 Tips to Keep Moss from Growing in [...]