Gutter Replacement

Gutter Trends for 2023 to Ask Your Builder About

If you're building a new home or renovating an existing one, one important aspect to consider is the gutters. Gutters play a crucial role in protecting your home from water damage by directing rainwater away from your roof and foundation. But gutters don't have to be boring and functional. In fact, there are many cool designs you can ask your builder about that can enhance the look of your home [...]

Spring Gutter Checklist: 7 Warning Signs

For the average residential home replacing a hidden gutter system can start at over $5000. Gutter repairs, on the other hand, are fast and cost 80-90% less than replacement. Our team will do our best to identify common problem areas and retro-fit the system so that it can continue to do its job, resulting in thousands of dollars in savings. Trying hidden gutter repair is usually the right first step [...]

Buying a New House This Spring? Inspect the gutter system.

Gutters and downspouts are the houses way of collecting and directing all the water or melting snow that gathers on the roof…which can be a lot more than you think.  When they don’t work right they can be a source of water coming into the house at both the foundation level and the roof level.  The condition they’re in is a really good sign of how well the current owners [...]

Gutters and Exterior Design Trends for 2017

In the last 5 years Home Builders have noticed a growing trend in factors that affect purchase decisions among new home buyers.  In less than 12 seconds a home's curb appeal can make or break a decision on whether a buyer wants to even view the house let alone buy it.  According to a Harris Interactive Study 78% of Buyers felt that the look of the home's exterior was "Extremely" [...]

Is it time for Gutter Replacement?

How do you know it’s time to replace your gutters? Rain gutters are one of those items that are not always top of mind for home owners and property managers, yet they play such a vital role in protecting your home, strata or business complex from water damage. Depending on where you live in metro Vancouver, you have different environmental factors that play into the life and maintenance of your gutter [...]