Preventative Care for Gutters

When Was the Last Time You Cleaned the Gutters?

Let’s be honest.  Cleaning the gutters is probably not one of those chores that has you so excited you’re leaping out of bed on a Saturday morning.  Ignorance is bliss? I’ll get to it next year?  Sound familiar? How high is cleaning the gutters on your To Do list? According to WorkSafe BC, it might be a little too high Unfortunately this is one of those instances when [...]

Is it time for Gutter Replacement?

How do you know it’s time to replace your gutters? Rain gutters are one of those items that are not always top of mind for home owners and property managers, yet they play such a vital role in protecting your home, strata or business complex from water damage. Depending on where you live in metro Vancouver, you have different environmental factors that play into the life and maintenance of your gutter [...]

How to Protect Gutters from Pine Needles

There is a reason many of the households residing within the Lower Mainland have chosen this neck of the country as their home. The Pacific Northwest landscape is incomparable, with rich pines jetting out from the slopes that bookend the communities that define our places within the region. Many of you have purchased a home in-part because of the front and/or backyards that have pines standing as sentries, providing aesthetic [...]

Safe Tips and Alternatives to Hanging Lights on Gutters

It’s that time of the year when households are unearthing tangled cords of holiday lights from the bottoms of boxes in their garage storage space. If you count yourself among them we urge you to pause for a moment before illuminating the ledges of your home. You see, year after year homeowners that don’t take the necessary precautions damage their gutter system in some manner by hanging hoards of lights from their roof’s appendages. However, we understand that this news [...]

How to Prepare Gutters for Winter

Winter is coming! Last week we provided area homeowners with some sound advice on how to prevent ice dams from forming in your gutters (good timing!) and we thought we would follow up this week with some general advice for the season. Read further to learn more about how your home’s gutter system will require some extra TLC before the cold snap becomes a local affair lasting longer than a few [...]