Gutter Repairs Vancouver

That Vancouver Rain – Protect Your Gutter System with These Tips

How Much Rain Falls in the Lower Mainland of BC? The Lower Mainland of British Columbia is no stranger to rain. In fact, the region is known for its wet weather, with an average annual rainfall of approximately 1,200 millimeters. That's more than double the amount of rainfall that falls in Vancouver Island or the Okanagan Valley. While this rain is essential for our environment and the growth of plants, [...]

Buying a New House This Spring? Inspect the gutter system.

Gutters and downspouts are the houses way of collecting and directing all the water or melting snow that gathers on the roof…which can be a lot more than you think.  When they don’t work right they can be a source of water coming into the house at both the foundation level and the roof level.  The condition they’re in is a really good sign of how well the current owners [...]

When Was the Last Time You Cleaned the Gutters?

Let’s be honest.  Cleaning the gutters is probably not one of those chores that has you so excited you’re leaping out of bed on a Saturday morning.  Ignorance is bliss? I’ll get to it next year?  Sound familiar? How high is cleaning the gutters on your To Do list? According to WorkSafe BC, it might be a little too high Unfortunately this is one of those instances when [...]

Is it time for Gutter Replacement?

How do you know it’s time to replace your gutters? Rain gutters are one of those items that are not always top of mind for home owners and property managers, yet they play such a vital role in protecting your home, strata or business complex from water damage. Depending on where you live in metro Vancouver, you have different environmental factors that play into the life and maintenance of your gutter [...]

How to Prevent Gutter Overflow

One of the biggest issues for the gutters on your home here in the Lower Mainland comes from residing in the wettest climate in the country. The average rainfall in Greater Vancouver proves to be a challenge for homeowners in many ways and it all begins above your heads, on the roof’s edges. Gutter overflow occurs when something prevents the water runoff entering your gutters from reaching and/or expelling from its downspouts. Water builds up and the [...]

Safe Tips and Alternatives to Hanging Lights on Gutters

It’s that time of the year when households are unearthing tangled cords of holiday lights from the bottoms of boxes in their garage storage space. If you count yourself among them we urge you to pause for a moment before illuminating the ledges of your home. You see, year after year homeowners that don’t take the necessary precautions damage their gutter system in some manner by hanging hoards of lights from their roof’s appendages. However, we understand that this news [...]

How to Prepare Gutters for Winter

Winter is coming! Last week we provided area homeowners with some sound advice on how to prevent ice dams from forming in your gutters (good timing!) and we thought we would follow up this week with some general advice for the season. Read further to learn more about how your home’s gutter system will require some extra TLC before the cold snap becomes a local affair lasting longer than a few [...]

How to Prevent Ice Dams in Gutters

The Lower Mainland and regional arms extending from its girth may not rank among the coldest of climates in the country. However, that does not mean that our residents and their respective homes are not susceptible to the bumps and bruises taken from the arrival of an especially frosty winter. In fact, the innate west coast confidence in our milder weather can work against homeowners. Preventative measures taken to protect [...]