Gutter Maintenance Tips

That Vancouver Rain – Protect Your Gutter System with These Tips

How Much Rain Falls in the Lower Mainland of BC? The Lower Mainland of British Columbia is no stranger to rain. In fact, the region is known for its wet weather, with an average annual rainfall of approximately 1,200 millimeters. That's more than double the amount of rainfall that falls in Vancouver Island or the Okanagan Valley. While this rain is essential for our environment and the growth of plants, [...]

Buying a New House This Spring? Inspect the gutter system.

Gutters and downspouts are the houses way of collecting and directing all the water or melting snow that gathers on the roof…which can be a lot more than you think.  When they don’t work right they can be a source of water coming into the house at both the foundation level and the roof level.  The condition they’re in is a really good sign of how well the current owners [...]

Moss and 3 Other Visible Signs That Your Gutters Need Attention

Inspecting your gutters on a regular basis is essential to maintaining the life of your system and entire home exterior. However, many homeowners neglect this duty, not trusting their own judgement as to what calls for immediate action (repair). Priority concerns that may be obvious to some may not be so to others. Today we are detailing some easy-to-identify signs that your gutters, or sections of them, require prompt attention [...]

How to Stop Moss in Gutters

Moss is one of the biggest threats to your gutter system. Not only does it weigh down your gutters and create an unsightly scene, it clogs your gutters, resulting in rainwater overflow which will damage your home exterior and interior. Thankfully, this natural growth phenomenon can be identified with ease, and attended to before your gutter system and home sustains significant damage. 5 Tips to Keep Moss from Growing in [...]

How to Prepare Gutters for Storms

Our blog provides tips to help you maintain the life and effectiveness of your gutters throughout the year. Maintain being the keyword. However, it is also important to consider the one-off scenarios, the ones that can take your well-planned regime of home exterior maintenance and throw it for a major loop. In this instance, we’re referring to storms, major storms that don’t care about the care you’ve put into your [...]

How to Protect Your Gutters from Leaves

The biggest concern homeowners have when it comes to the maintenance of their gutters revolves around how to get leaves to leave their gutter system alone. They are not just a concern during the annual fall of autumn, they are a year-round nuisance that can and will invade your roof and eaves on any given day. They build-up in your gutters and create all sorts of havoc. They invite pests [...]

How to Protect Your Gutters from the Summer

There’s a title you didn’t expect to read, right? There are, of course, many articles written about how to prepare your gutters for the winter and protect them from the overflow that occurs during the heavy rains of autumn and spring. What you don’t often hear about are the summer months and the concerns they can bring to the health of your gutter system. And there are indeed some worth [...]

How to Keep Birds Out of Gutters

Last week we responded to customer concerns regarding the measures that can be taken to keep rodents and raccoons out of rain gutters. Anyone following those tips will be well on the way to a furry four-legged critter-free gutter system. However the wildlife threat doesn’t end there. Birds, from crows and pigeons to robins and seagulls (for us coastal communities) these disproportionately strong and resourceful flyers can have their way [...]

5 Best Apps for Home Gutter Repair and Maintenance

Gutter repair and maintenance will always require traditional tools such as power drills and caulking but there is no denying technology’s ever-increasing role in exterior home upkeep. That’s right, the tired but true expression of “there’s an app for that” can now apply to gutter installation, repair, and maintenance in all of its forms. While smartphone/tablet applications won’t actually beam your gutters in place onto your roof (yet?) they can [...]